September 13, 2020

Commended submission number 2 out of 3

Our second commended scheme is by Ayesha Ahmed. We posted her entry second because Manahal’s was a bright, vibrant image to grab the attention, but in no way does Ayesha’s proposals fall behind in any way.
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Our second commended scheme is by Ayesha Ahmed. We posted her entry second because Manahal’s was a bright, vibrant image to grab the attention, but in no way does Ayesha’s proposals fall behind in any way. If Manahal’s designs were characterised by intuitive, colourful, and bold visuals, Ayesha’s are deeply technical and analytical in an equally inspiring way.

We were amazed by the depth of thought that emphasises sustainability and respect for nature in Ayesha’s 3d-environmental section. Ayesha has thought about energy, human comfort, material recycling, and Covid-19 in her proposals. All are described and structured not just in words but spatially in an organised technical section.

We particularly liked linear arrangement described — a kind of one-way system that helps to avoid infection transmission but at the same time provides a route for ventilation and implies an aesthetic experience (with speakers system playing calming music, nature sounds, possibly telling jokes and reading poetry).

The idea of using stained glass windows gives a hint of aesthetic charm as well, and provides a common link with Manahal’s concepts as well as the third commended submission (to be revealed soon).

If we were to give Ayesha suggestions for how to develop further, we would suggest as we did to Manahal to create a more evocative name for her proposal. Also, she draws beautifully–next time it would be great to invest in some unlined drawing paper or some technical but nice-looking graph paper to elevate the value of her drawing more.

Considering the fineness of her penwork, one way to expand her visual language would be to first draw in pen and then wash with watercolour or lightly colour with coloured pencil to give more vibrance to the images. Have a look at some of the environmental sections drawn by world-famous engineering firm Atelier Ten, here: (Singapore Changi Airport).

Do look into environmental design as a discipline and profession, Ayesha. You clearly have a passion for this kind of work and what you have drawn is far beyond what one would normally expect from a secondary school student!

Have a look at our Instagram to see work in progress on developing our own ideas and starting to incorporate some of the inspiration from these two talented Gen Z’s!

DaeWha and Team

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