November 3, 2022

Competition: Gen Z Universe

DaeWhaKang Design, an award-winning architecture and design studio, is offering the exciting opportunity for you to design a pavilion for a virtual Metaverse space! The Metaverse is increasingly being used within architecture to depict incredible virtual structures and we would love for you to be a part of this movement.
Gen Z
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COMPETITION: See your design come to life in the Metaverse!


We welcome pavilion proposals that revolve around the idea of “environmental sustainability”. We would like you to have total freedom in that way that you incorporate this concept into your design. However, just as a guide to help you out, we would like to propose a few ways in which this might be achieved:

state of the art pavilion: designing a pavilion with existing technologies so that its carbon footprint is minimal.

future pavilion: how will a sustainable pavilion be in the year 2100? We welcome you to create a design with technologies that don’t exist yet.

nature inspired: the design might take inspiration from the nature to work without consuming energy or releasing CO2 to the atmosphere

critical pavilion: how would you create a pavilion to challenge the way sustainability is addressed in media for instance (or whichever you issue that you want to bring attention to).

exhibition driven: it might be designed for a particular exhibition about sustainability

• anything! We welcome you to bring the topic in any innovative way.


We are looking for evocative ideas, for the unexpected. For us this competition is about getting to know you better, understanding what is most relevant for GenZ. We want to learn from you, be challenged and inspired. Overall, we are looking for evocative, relevant ideas. We consider that the Metaverse is an ideal framework for this, due to its lack of constraints. Dream!


As noted above, what we are looking for mainly are ideas. We invite you to submit a design for this pavilion in any format you would like. You might choose to represent your pavilion through hand sketches, text, or a 3D model. Note that your design does NOT have to be modelled/sketched digitally. We are looking for a design that makes the most out of the Metaverse’s lack of constraints, as well as being both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Aim to be creative and original! 

The winning entry will be modelled in 3D by the DKD team and added to an amazing Metaverse world we have already generated.

Please email to register your interest for both the info session and the competition + to ask any questions!


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