August 26, 2020

Architects Declare? How important are the points for us?

We talk a lot at the studio about setting priorities. Never show more than three options. When presenting multiple things, keep the number to how many fingers you have on your hand. The human mind struggles to process and prioritise information when there are too many competing elements.
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We talk a lot at the studio about setting priorities. Never show more than three options. When presenting multiple things, keep the number to how many fingers you have on your hand. The human mind struggles to process and prioritise information when there are too many competing elements. And therefore we create hierarchies. One might even say this is the starting point of design. At its core, design is the act of extracting, concentrating, and organising resources into understandable and useful configurations. This extraction, concentration, and organisation inevitably leads to a series of nested hierarchies, whether in cities, buildings, or in the best design we know–nature’s own creations.

We have struggled to keep up with Architects Declare and its large number of unsorted targets. Yesterday we had a group discussion at the studio and concluded that we need to make our own variation of the charter. We will be refining it for ourselves and adding our own hierarchies and priorities to its points, tailoring it for the specifics of our own studio. A kind of site-specific Architects Declare! Let’s see how it goes! More soon.

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